SportEasy not available last friday: apologies and explanations

Dear SportEasy users

You may have noticed that it was impossible for you to access our website last Friday. We had a server breakdown that implied a site downtime from 11:30am to 11:30pm (Paris time).

We wanted to apologize for this exceptionally rare problem.

We are still a small team, always working our best to give you access to a top-level service online. Such a long downtime, due to a hardware issue, must not occur again in the future.

This is why we will invest more resources, and work closely with our server hosting company, to give you an even better level of access to our website.

Thank you for using SportEasy!

The SportEasy team +33 1 84 17 00 39

All details

The motherboard of one of our server broke down, causing a site downtime. While our server hosting company was fixing the default physically, we tried to migrate our services to another synchronized host.

Unfortunately, some data were corrupted because of the sudden breakdown. We had to start a (long) recovery process, with a backup plan: using our April 15th 2016, 1:00am backup (Paris time) to put back data online.

Meanwhile, our server hosting company was installing a new machine with the aim to retrieve the broke down server’s hard disks in order to recover our data.

After several hours of investigation, we found out that corrupted data were difficult to restore (it would have taken days, if even possible).

Our last hope was that data on the transferred hard disks were not corrupted. It was almost the case. We investigated several solutions.

After running some reparation on the new server with transferred disks, we were able to retrieve all the data prior to the crash, and put the site back online, without losing any data.

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Thomas L.
Responsable Marketing

Passionné de sport amateur depuis tout jeune, j'ai à coeur de comprendre finement les problèmatiques auxquelles font face les responsables d'équipes et les dirigeants de club, pour leur proposer du contenu qui les aide efficacement au quotidien.

No pain. More game